The Deceptive Brew: Unmasking Decaffeinated Coffee’s Caffeine Content and Its Impact on IBS

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common gastrointestinal disorder that affects millions of people worldwide. While its exact causes remain elusive, recent research has shed light on the potential role of dietary factors, particularly caffeine and coffee consumption, in the development and severity of IBS. A comprehensive study conducted by researchers has provided intriguing insights into the intricate relationship between IBS and caffeine, raising questions about the dangers of coffee and the potential benefits of decaffeinated alternatives.

The Study Unveiled: A Closer Look at the Findings

The study entitled Association of Coffee and Caffeine Intake With Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Adults took a cross-sectional examination involving a large and diverse population, delved deep into the dietary habits of participants. Notably, it explored the links between caffeine and coffee intake, IBS prevalence, and the severity of IBS symptoms.

Here are some key findings:

  1. Caffeine and IBS Prevalence: Individuals in the top tertile of caffeine intake had a significantly greater odds ratio (OR: 1.47; 95% CI: 1.14-1.87) of having IBS compared to those in the lowest tertile. This suggests that higher caffeine consumption is associated with an increased risk of IBS.
  2. Gender Disparities: The study revealed an intriguing gender difference. While caffeine intake did not significantly associate with IBS among men (OR: 1.47; 95% CI: 0.94-2.30), a significant positive association emerged among women (OR: 1.48; 95% CI: 1.10-2.00). This hints at varying susceptibility between genders.
  3. BMI and IBS: The researchers found that overweight or obese subjects (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2) in the highest tertile of caffeine intake were 72% more likely to have IBS (OR: 1.72; 95% CI: 1.20-2.48) compared to those in the lowest tertile. However, no significant association was observed among individuals with a normal BMI (BMI < 25 kg/m2).
  4. Severity Matters: The study explored the relationship between caffeine and IBS severity. It was found that caffeine intake was significantly associated with IBS severity among overweight or obese individuals (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2). However, this association was not observed in the overall population or in gender-based analyses.

The Hidden Caffeine: Decaf Coffee’s Secret

Amid these revelations, a startling truth about decaffeinated coffee comes to light: it may not be as decaffeinated as believed. Contrary to its label, decaffeinated coffee often contains trace amounts of caffeine. This presence of caffeine in decaf coffee raises important questions about its safety for individuals with IBS.

While the caffeine content in decaf coffee is significantly lower than in regular coffee, it is not entirely caffeine-free. This may be a cause for concern for those who assumed that switching to decaffeinated coffee would eliminate the potential risks associated with caffeine and IBS.

What Does This Mean for Coffee Lovers?

For many, coffee is a daily ritual, providing that much-needed morning boost. However, these findings might give coffee enthusiasts pause for thought. The study hints at a connection between caffeine and IBS, particularly among women and those with higher BMIs. So, should coffee lovers be concerned?

The association between caffeine and IBS isn’t fully understood, but several theories have been proposed. One theory suggests that caffeine may activate the hypothalamic-anterior pituitary-adrenocortical axis (HPA), leading to increased stress hormone secretion, which could contribute to IBS development. Additionally, coffee and caffeine are known to stimulate gastric acid secretion, potentially irritating the intestines and causing injury to intestinal tissues.

The Gender Factor: Why Women Might Be More Vulnerable

The study’s gender-based differences are intriguing. Women exhibited a significant positive association between caffeine intake and IBS, whereas men did not. This gender discrepancy might be attributed to differences in caffeine metabolism. Research has shown that women tend to metabolize caffeine more slowly than men, potentially making them more susceptible to its effects.

BMI Matters: The Impact on Overweight and Obese Individuals

The study also highlighted the role of BMI in the caffeine-IBS relationship. Overweight or obese individuals with higher caffeine intake had a significantly higher likelihood of IBS. Slower caffeine metabolism in this group might partly explain this association. These findings emphasize the importance of considering individual characteristics when assessing the impact of caffeine on gastrointestinal health.

Severity and Overweight: A Closer Look

Delving into IBS severity, the study uncovered a noteworthy connection with caffeine intake among overweight or obese individuals. This group displayed a significant relationship between caffeine consumption and the severity of IBS symptoms. This could imply that caffeine might exacerbate the condition in individuals already grappling with excess weight.

IBS Subtypes: A Complex Picture

The study didn’t just stop at IBS as a whole; it also explored different subtypes. One striking finding was the association between coffee and caffeine intake and IBS-C (IBS with predominant constipation). Participants who consumed coffee weekly or more had a 66% higher odds ratio of IBS-C compared to non-consumers. Caffeine intake, particularly among the highest tertile, was also linked to higher odds of IBS-C.

The diuretic effect of caffeine leading to dehydration and its potential impact on constipation could be contributing factors to this association. Caffeine’s influence on magnesium absorption and the presence of chlorogenic acid in coffee could also play roles in this complex relationship.

Decaffeinated Coffee: A Safer Alternative?

While these findings may raise concerns for coffee lovers, it’s essential to note that not all coffee is created equal. Decaffeinated coffee offers a way to enjoy the comforting ritual of coffee without the potential pitfalls of caffeine. However, given the revelation that not all decaf coffee isn’t entirely caffeine-free, individuals with IBS or those at risk may find comfort in exploring alternative options for their daily brew. All our I Love Decaf coffees are around 99-100% caffeine-free, so it would be advised to try small amounts before brewing a great big french press of the stuff.


In summary, this comprehensive study has illuminated the intricate relationship between caffeine, coffee, and IBS. It underscores the importance of considering individual characteristics such as gender and BMI when evaluating the impact of caffeine on gastrointestinal health. While coffee remains a beloved beverage for many, these findings suggest that moderation, especially among certain groups, may be prudent. Decaffeinated coffee emerges as a potential alternative for those looking to savor their coffee without concerns about its effects on IBS.

Further research is needed to unravel the complexities of this relationship fully, but for now, individuals with IBS or those mindful of their caffeine intake may find solace in exploring decaffeinated coffee options that genuinely live up to their name.

Unveiling the Secrets of How to Make the Best Cup of Decaf Coffee

(With a Dash of I LOVE DECAF Eccentricity)

Ah, decaf coffee – the enigmatic elixir that dances on our taste buds like a caffeinated waltz, only to leave us caffeine-free and carefree. But behold, for we are about to embark on a whimsical journey through the world of decaf, where each sip is a surprising twist in the coffee tale.

  1. The Art of Decaf Diversity

Picture this: Decaf coffee, much like wine, is a thrilling exploration of ‘terroir.’ It’s the coffee’s way of saying, “I’m unique, deal with it!” Taste, flavour, texture, sweetness, body, acidity, and smoothness – they’re all part of the decaf symphony. So, dare to dive into this caffeinated carnival and embrace the unpredictability!

  1. Decaf Chronicles: The Quest for Perfection

To truly bask in the glory of decaf, we must adhere to the coffee commandments:

Coffee Storage: The age-old debate rages on, with numerous theories floating around like caffeinated myths. But here’s our sage advice: Keep your precious I LOVE DECAF coffee sealed in an airtight container, nestled away in a cool, dark, and dry sanctuary. It’s like creating a secret hideout for your decaf treasures. Simple, isn’t it?

Freezing Coffee: Ah, the eternal mystery of freezing coffee beans! Some say it’s the elixir of freshness, while others remain skeptics. Let’s face it; we need more coffee scientists on the case! You can freeze unopened coffee beans, but don’t you dare grind them while they’re still frozen. It’s like attempting a culinary magic trick with coffee, and we’re not pulling any beans out of hats here!

Coffee Conjuring: When it comes to coffee preparation, keep it uncomplicated:

Fresh water is your potion for boiling. Let the kettle cool for a spell, as boiling water can cast a bitter spell on your coffee (optimal temperature: 90°C to 96°C).
When measuring coffee, don’t be shy. It’s better to be bold than bland! A rough guideline is 10 grams of coffee for every 180ml of water. You can always dilute if it’s a bit too intense.
If you’re ready to up your coffee game, consider a grinder (burr grinders like Krups or Delonghi are our enchanting picks). Grinding weekly works wonders, but if you can swing daily, you’re basically a coffee wizard.
Bonus Potion: Seeking the ultimate decaf enchantment? Grind your beans every day if time permits. But let’s be real, not all of us have a spare wand to wave, do we?

  1. The Voices of Decaf Delight

Now, if you’re yearning for some truly unadulterated reviews of I LOVE DECAF, venture forth to the hallowed halls of Google. There, the coffee connoisseurs of the internet have poured their hearts (and coffee cups) into independent reviews. Behold the wisdom of the masses, and let it guide you on your decaf odyssey:

Trust Pilot Reviews of I LOVE DECAF

  1. The Decaf Curtain Call

And there you have it, dear adventurers of the decaf realm! Your quest for the perfect cup of decaffeinated coffee may not be a tale of dragons and knights, but it’s a journey of taste and whimsy. Embrace the quirks, savour the peculiarities, and let each cup of I LOVE DECAF be a delightful sip of life’s caffeinated paradox.

Now, raise your mugs high and toast to the world of decaf, where each brew is a fantastical voyage into the unknown. Enjoy your caffeine-free adventures, coffee mages! 🧙‍♂️☕

Decaf Coffee Before Bed: Separating Fact from Fiction

Introduction: The age-old question of whether it’s okay to drink decaf coffee before bed has left many coffee lovers puzzled. In this article, we delve into the insights provided by PVHC (Pomona Valley Health Centers) to shed light on the subject. By examining the facts and dispelling myths, we aim to help you make an informed decision about enjoying a cup of decaf coffee in the evening.

Understanding the Effects of Decaf Coffee: In general, it takes your body approximately six hours to eliminate half of the caffeine consumed. However, decaf coffee contains significantly less caffeine than its regular counterpart, typically ranging from 2 to 15 milligrams per cup. This low caffeine content makes it unlikely for decaf coffee to have a substantial impact on sleep quality when consumed in moderation.

Individual Sensitivity to Caffeine: While decaf coffee is considered low in caffeine, individual sensitivity plays a crucial role. Some individuals are more sensitive to even trace amounts of caffeine, which can disrupt their sleep patterns. If you find that even minimal caffeine affects your sleep, it may be wise to avoid consuming decaf coffee before bed.

Factors Affecting Sleep Quality: It’s important to note that factors other than decaf coffee consumption can significantly influence sleep quality. Lifestyle choices, stress levels, evening habits, and overall sleep hygiene are vital contributors to a good night’s rest. Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule, establishing a calming bedtime routine, and minimizing stimulating activities before bed are essential for optimal sleep regardless of coffee consumption.

Potential Benefits of Decaf Coffee Before Bed: Interestingly, decaf coffee offers potential health benefits beyond its impact on sleep. The presence of bioactive compounds and antioxidants in decaf coffee has been associated with reducing the risk of certain diseases, including type 2 diabetes and certain types of cancer. Enjoying a cup of decaf coffee before bed can provide a comforting and pleasurable ritual, helping individuals unwind and relax.

Personal Preference and Tolerance: Ultimately, the decision to drink decaf coffee before bed depends on personal preference and tolerance. Some individuals may find that decaf coffee has no adverse effects on their sleep, while others may prefer to avoid it altogether. It’s crucial to listen to your body, evaluate how decaf coffee affects your sleep patterns, and make choices accordingly.

Conclusion: In conclusion, moderate consumption of decaf coffee before bed is generally considered safe for most individuals. The minimal caffeine content in decaf coffee makes it unlikely to disrupt sleep quality. However, individual sensitivity to caffeine should be taken into account. Additionally, maintaining good sleep hygiene practices and considering other lifestyle factors contribute more significantly to overall sleep quality.

Decaf coffee can be a delightful part of your evening routine, providing a sense of comfort and potentially offering health benefits. By being aware of your personal preferences, listening to your body, and practicing good sleep habits, you can make an informed decision about enjoying a cup of decaf coffee before bed. Remember, everyone’s sleep needs and responses are unique, so find what works best for you and savor your decaf coffee with peace of mind.

4 Different Kinds of Decaffeination

Plus 1 more that was banned.

Not all decaffeination is the same. Of the five different processes, which is the best for you?

It’s not always clear on a packet of decaf coffee or tea how the caffeine was removed. In fact, a lot of well-known brands will not tell you anywhere – not the packet, their website or FAQs – exactly how decaffeination was achieved at all.

At I Love Decaf, we’re a big fan of transparency and often detail the decaf process in the name of the product, just so there are absolutely no doubts.

While we don’t hide the details, there’s still not enough space on the label that tells you why we chose one method of decaffeination over another. So, we wanted to fill you in on everything you need to know about the methods of decaffeination available, which ones we use and why. 

The method of decaffeination has a direct effect on the taste and aroma of decaf tea and coffee.

Not all methods of decaffeination were created equally. Let’s dive into the details.

There are five known methods of decaffeination. Of these, the original method is now illegal because it used benzene, which is highly toxic. The 1906 discovery of Ludwig Roselius, a man whose second claim to fame involved a plot to kill Hitler, led to a decaffeinated coffee drink that became popular in almost every country.

Neither of Roselius’ grand plans ultimately bore fruit, so that leaves four different ways to decaffeinate your coffee.

The Methylene chloride decaffeination (MC) process.

Methylene chloride (MC) is combined with caffeine molecules to make decaffeinated coffee or tea. This process can be done on either the coffee beans or tea leaves in hot water. and it is important to note that because it is only a tiny trace amount remaining, even that evaporates.

The Ethyl Acetate decaffeination methods

Ethyl acetate decaf is sometimes referred to as the “natural” method because it involves naturally occurring chemicals from fruits. This process is otherwise identical to the direct and indirect methods which use methylene chloride as a solvent.

What method do the Swiss use to decaffeinate coffee beans?

The Swiss Water Process for decaffeinated coffee – and a few teas – removes caffeine by soaking beans (or tea leaves) in hot water and passing them through activated carbon filters. The decaffeinated beans are then re-soaked in water to reintroduce the flavors.

What is carbon dioxide decaffeination

This is very much the science laboratory way of doing decaffeination and doing it well. Part of its boffinological appeal is that it involves turning carbon dioxide ‘supercritical’, which is essentially making CO2 do things well above its pay grade.

No one said making a quality cup of coffee was easy, but it’s worth it. Beans or leaves are pressure cooked with carbon dioxide which becomes temporarily capable of extracting the caffeine from the beans while still leaving the flavour molecules in place.

Learn about the Mountain Water Method of decaffeination

The Mountain Water Process (MWP) is seen as a cut above all other decaffeinated beverages. This process uses water from Pico de Orizaba, the highest mountain in Mexico.

To remove the caffeine, the process starts by steaming green coffee beans which then get soaked in a water solution, removing caffeine and the compounds that make the flavour. Water is drained from the soaked seeds and passed through activated carbon filters which separate the caffeine from the water. The beans are then introduced back to the decaf water and the flavours soak back in without the caffeine.

The 5 Things You Don’t Believe Can Happen When You Cut Caffeine

I used to be one of those people who would drink not just coffee but energy drinks and colas on top, often throughout the day. I was under the impression that the caffeine spritzing through my veins from all different angles was necessary for living a happy and productive life in the city. But as it turns out, when you reduce your intake for a month or two (more like 3-4 months) you can experience some pretty wild changes to your health!

Decaf: How much do you need to go there?

When it comes to the benefits of decaf, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of caffeine you need depends on your individual tolerances and sensitivities. Some people can drink multiple cups of coffee a day without any negative effects. Others may start to feel jittery and anxious after just one cup.

If you’re thinking about reducing your caffeine intake, it’s important to pay attention to how your body responds. If you notice any negative changes, such as increased anxiety or difficulty sleeping, you may want to cut back on the amount of caffeine you’re consuming.

It’s also important to remember that caffeine is found in more than just coffee. Tea, soda, and energy drinks all contain caffeine. So, if you’re trying to reduce your intake, you’ll need to be mindful of all the sources of caffeine in your diet.

1.    Caffeine and adrenaline levels

  • Caffeine and adrenaline levels: When you reduce caffeine intake, your body no longer has the same level of adrenaline. This can lead to feelings of fatigue and low energy. This is a temporary thing.
  • Caffeine and blood pressure: Caffeine can also affect your blood pressure. When you reduce your caffeine intake, your blood pressure may drop. This is usually seen as a good thing as a first step to fight hypertension, but it can also cause dizziness.
  • Caffeine and anxiety: Another common effect of reducing caffeine intake is increased anxiety. This is because caffeine can help to improve focus and concentration. When you reduce your caffeine intake, you may find it more difficult to focus and concentrate on tasks. Again – this is a temporary effect.
  • Caffeine and sleep: finally, reducing caffeine intake can also disrupt your sleep patterns. This is because caffeine can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. If you reduce caffeine intake, you may find yourself feeling more tired during the day. A temporary reduction in alertness is to be expected, but you will soon find your attention level improving without caffeine.

2.    The consequences of reducing caffeine intake

When you reduce your caffeine intake, you may experience some consequences.

  • One consequence of reducing your caffeine intake is that you may feel more tired during the day. Caffeine is a stimulant, so when you reduce your intake, you may find that you need to take more naps or sleep for longer periods of time. You may also find that you have trouble concentrating when you reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help to improve focus and concentration, so without it, you may find it harder to stay on task.
  • You may also experience headaches when you reduce your caffeine intake. This is because caffeine can help to constrict blood vessels, and when you reduce your intake, those blood vessels may expand, leading to headaches.
  • Finally, you may find that your mood changes when you reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help to improve mood and energy levels, so without it, you may feel more sluggish and down.

3.    Spring Cleaning to Reduce Caffeine Intake

Spring Cleaning to Reduce Caffeine Intake:

  • If you’re trying to reduce your caffeine intake, one thing you can do is spring clean your diet. This means getting rid of all the foods and drinks that contain caffeine. This includes coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, chocolate, and even some medications. By getting rid of these things from your diet, you’ll be able to reduce your caffeine intake significantly.
  • Cutting Back Gradually: Another way to reduce your caffeine intake is to cut back gradually. If you’re used to drinking several cups of coffee per day, try reducing it to just one or two cups. You can also switch to decaf coffee or tea. Or, if you typically drink energy drinks, try switching to a non-caffeinated version. Cutting back gradually will help you reduce your caffeine intake without feeling too much withdrawal.
  • Avoiding Caffeine Triggers: In addition to cutting back on caffeine gradually, you can also avoid triggers that make you want to consume caffeine. For example, if you tend to drink coffee in the morning because you’re tired, try changing up your routine. Instead of drinking coffee, try walking or exercising to wake yourself up. Or, if drinking coffee before going to bed makes you feel more awake, treat your insomnia in another manner. Speak with a health professional about your insomnia and follow their advice for getting good sleep at night.

How to reduce caffeine intake

If you’re looking to reduce your caffeine intake, there are a few things you can do. First, try switching to decaf coffee or tea. You could also cut down on the amount of coffee or tea you’re drinking each day, but this usually only works for a while.

You can also try alternative beverages like herbal tea or water. Drinking plenty of water is always a good idea, and it can help to flush out the caffeine in your system.

Finally, be sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. Eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise will help to boost your energy levels and reduce your need for caffeine.

Do what?

If you’re used to drinking a lot of caffeine, reducing your intake can have some pretty unexpected effects. You might find yourself feeling more tired than usual or experiencing headaches and mood swings. But don’t worry, these side effects are only temporary as your body adjusts to its new caffeine level. In the long run, you’ll be glad you made the switch to a healthier lifestyle.

Decaf Deconstructed – Different Methods of Decaffeination

There are five ways to decaffeinate, which one works for you?

There is a problem with tea and coffee packaging. It is stricken with an unsightly rash of trademarks and logos erupting from every available surface like zits on a pizza-faced teenager. The blemishes speak of a virtuous product; Organic, Fair Trade, Rainforest Alliance, sustainable, green. Separate info boxes impart details such as strength, bean, roast, blend, grind, carbon footprint and, possibly, USB compatibility. It has made shopping for hot drinks as complex and nuanced as a conference on geopolitical ethics.

We call these little reassuring information panels LoV – Logos of Virtue. They make us feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

This is one detail you should pay attention to, because how your tea or coffee is decaffeinated is arguably more important

There’s still room on the label – just – so why not add one more detail, the method of decaffeination? This is one detail you should pay attention to, because how your tea or coffee is decaffeinated is arguably more important than many of the other LoVs. For example, with the amount of decaf the world is consuming, how that caffeine is removed has measurable consequences for the environment. Differences in decaffeination can also affect taste and aroma. And the big one; effectiveness of decaffeination varies with each process and if you are buying decaf, it makes sense that you will want it to be as caffeine-free as possible.

The truth is that decaffeinated tea and coffee comes in a bewildering variety of forms but not all are created equal. With a decaf tea or coffee, a lot hinges on the method of its decaffeination. Which one should you choose and why does it matter?

Here comes the science bit

There are five known methods of decaffeination. The original method, which used salt water and benzene is no longer legal because of, well, benzene. In 1906, a chance discovery by German coffee merchant Ludwig Roselius resulted in the world’s first mass produced decaffeinated coffee. Although his coffee later turned out to be carcinogenic, Roselius made up for it all by his involvement in a 1943 plot to blow up Hitler. You win some, you lose some.

Which leaves us four ways of taking caffeine out of tea and coffee. 

1. Methylene Chloride Decaffeination 

Methylene chloride is bonded to caffeine molecule by molecule by soaking the tea leaves or green coffee beans. There are two methods of achieving this, directly on the beans or leaves in hot water and indirectly, where the beans or leaves are soaked in hot water to remove the caffeine and the solvent is added to the water after the beans are removed. Although ‘solvent’ and the names of most solvents sound quite scary, only the tiniest trace residue will remain on the decaf product and even that will evaporate completely over 38°C/100°F.

2. Ethyl Acetate Decaffeination 

Although ethyl acetate hardly sounds much better than the previous method, decaf produced using ethyl acetate as a solvent is sometimes touted as ‘naturally decaffeinated’ because ethyl acetate is a chemical found naturally not only in tea, but also in many fruits. The process is otherwise identical to the direct and indirect methods that use methylene chloride as a solvent. Sometimes, according to learned decafficionados, ethyl acetate decaf leaves a slight chemical taste

3. Swiss Water Decaffeination 

This non-solvent alternative decaf process extracts caffeine by a long soak in hot water, followed by filtering though activated carbon to remove the caffeine. The now-decaf water is added back to the drained beans or leaves so that they can reabsorb the oils and flavours. There are a few teas that use the Swiss Water decaf method, but it is most often used for coffee.

4. Carbon Dioxide (co2) Decaffeination 

This is the space age version of decaf. This was probably invented when boffins meant to be working on something very clever were momentarily appalled by the state of their decaf and filled whiteboards with obscure formulae and Greek symbols to come up with a solution to the second most important problem before them. We probably won’t have interstellar space travel because of this, but who cares when the decaf tastes this good?

Having said all that, it’s not that complicated. Beans or leaves are pressure cooked with carbon dioxide. In such pressure and temperature environments, carbon dioxide (co2) goes supercritical and becomes a solvent that attracts the small caffeine molecules, leaving the larger flavour molecules intact.

5. Mountain Water Method

Similar in many respects to the Swiss Water decaffeination method and widely regarded as a cut above all other decafs, the Mountain Water Process (MWP) is also sometimes called the Mexican Water Process as it uses water from that country’s highest mountain – Pico de Orizaba.

The process starts with steaming the green coffee beans which are then soaked in a water solution, which removes the caffeine along with the flavour compounds. The water is removed from the seeds and run through a carbon filter that captures caffeine molecules to strain them from the solution. The green coffee is then soaked in all the flavour compounds and reabsorb them without the caffeine.

Can’t Find Decaf Coffee Beans in Tesco? Here Are Some Alternatives

You’ve come to right place:

If you’re looking for decaf coffee beans in Tesco, you’re out of luck. Supermarkets don’t tend to stock good decaf coffee. But that doesn’t mean you have to give up on your caffeine-free dreams! I Love Decaf have a range of delicious decaf coffees that will make your taste buds happy.

1. Why you can’t find decaf coffee beans in Tesco

Supermarkets like Tesco don’t typically stock good decaf coffee beans. This is because there is a lower demand for decaf coffee, so it’s not as profitable for supermarkets to carry them. That’s not to say that you can’t find decaf coffee beans anywhere – you just might have to look a little harder. Specialty coffee shops and online retailers are more likely to carry a wider variety of decaf coffee beans. If you’re looking for a good cup of decaf coffee, your best bet is to search for a small, independent cafe or store that specializes in selling high-quality coffee beans.

2. What are your options when it comes to decaf in Tesco

Supermarket chains like Tesco do not stock good decaf coffee. If you are looking for a good cup of decaf, your best option is to go to a specialty coffee shop. These shops usually have a wider selection of decaf coffees, and they are roasted in-house, which means they will taste fresher. You can also order decaf coffee beans online. There are a number of online retailers that sell high-quality decaf beans, and many of them offer free shipping.

3. Where you can find decaf coffee online

If you’re looking for a good decaf coffee, your best bet is to go online. There are a lot of great websites that sell decaf coffee beans, and you’re sure to find a flavor that you love. Some of our favourites include I Love Decaf and… I Love Decaf. We have a lovely selection of decaf beans, and we offer great prices and quick shipping within the UK. So if you’re looking for a great cup of decaf coffee, be sure to check us out.

4. Flavoursome decaf and non-caff drinks

At I Love Decaf, we understand that not everyone wants to drink caffeinated drinks. That’s why we’ve created a range of superior decaffeinated and non-caffeinated drinks that are full of flavour. Whether you’re looking for a decaf coffee that tastes just like the real thing, or a non-caff tea that still has all the flavour of your favourite blend, we’ve got you covered. Our Mexican Holy Water Decaf Coffee is one of our most popular drinks, and it’s sure to become your new favourite too!

5. Why choosing decaf doesn’t mean sacrificing taste

Decaf coffee lovers, rejoice! You don’t have to sacrifice taste when choosing to cut down on caffeine. In fact, I Love Decaf offers a wide range of delicious decaf drinks that taste just as good as their caffeinated counterparts. From smooth Mexican Holy Water Decaf Coffee to our flagship Luxe Organic Honduran Decaf Coffee, there’s something for everyone. So don’t despair if you can’t find decaf beans in your local Tesco, here are some great alternatives that will make you feel right at home.

Why the Best Supermarket Decaf Coffee is not as Good as Ours (I Love Decaf)

You know how it is; every time you go to the supermarket, you look at the decaf coffee on offer and feel enthusiasm being sucked from your soul. If that sounds like you, then you have tried most of the own-brand decafs already and have come to the conclusion, as we have, that really good decaf is really hard to find in a supermarket. 

Many people – cofficianados and consumers alike – criticize own-brand decaf coffee for its lack of flavour, but the real problem is that it has lots of flavours, just not necessarily any pleasant ones. Even the packets remind us of that bloated feeling you get after bad coffee with its flavour notes of cat piddle and warm tyres. 

There isn’t a superstore decaf that doesn’t call to mind a warm evening in a fertiliser silo – not one that we’ve discovered yet, anyway.

In fact, if we were supermarket coffee buyers, we wouldn’t go to extreme lengths to preserve the taste. We wouldn’t stick it in foiled bags with re-sealable strips. Why bother maintaining a vacuum when leaving it on the porch in an open jar would at least let the fumes escape?

Our decaf is best

We started I Love Decaf to make the best decaf coffee you can’t buy in a supermarket. We believe that some kinds of decaffeinated coffee are less like a pleasing drink and more like a punishment and we wanted to do something to set it straight. It’s not just the supermarket own-brands either; many major brand coffees miss the mark on their decaffeinated spin-offs.

That’s why asking for the best supermarket decaf coffee is like asking for the most comfortable barbed wire shirt. Just because it’s the only shirt on offer doesn’t mean you should buy it.

Why the best supermarket decaf coffee is not as good as ours
Our decaf is best. We started i love decaf to make the best decaf coffee you can’t buy in a supermarket.

You can’t get I Love Decaf in the supermarket

To be honest, we can’t imagine even having a meeting at any of the big supermarket chains, and that’s not just because our MD Mr Roy Bosch (he is also a part-time alligator wrestler and balloon entertainer of some note) has anger management issues with idiots, it’s because we don’t want to sit in their soulless offices drinking their horrible supermarket decaf. It’s best for all concerned if we don’t. That’s not the kind of publicity we need.

Check out these superior decafs from the I Love Decaf range.

Decaf Peppermint Tea – What’s That About?

The crisp and sweet, airy tang of peppermint tea is one of the most vibrant and punchy of all herbal infusions and, like all such teas, proper peppermint tea is decaf. You will find a few peppermint brews around that are tributes to the way North Africans always added mint to their food and drink. When Europeans first took tea across the Mediterranean to Morocco, the locals blended it with mint, making it as Moorish as it is moreish. Tea blended in this way will be caffeinated to some extent, depending on the blend.

Pure peppermint tea is as it should be, made only with Mentha piperita leaves from the world’s freshest corners. Proper peppermint tea, which is properly pepperminty contains no tea at all. 

Got it. So, peppermint tea is decaf? Right?

No. Not quite. Peppermint tea is un-caffeinated. Peppermint has no caffeine in it at all. You can’t decaffeinate something that has no caffeine in it in the first place. That’s just silly.

All that aside, the purity of peppermint tea is important because it has been shown to have several benefits from digestive problems to relief of migraines, as well as its ability to help with blocked noses. That little wafer-thin mint on your plate after a restaurant blow-out is not there by accident and neither is the menthol oil that relieves nasal congestion like a boss. We can’t make health claims because of ‘the man’, but we all know what’s right.

Peppermint tea is not tea either

Strictly speaking, it is a herbal infusion. Tea is different: Black, green, white and oolong tea all come from the leaves of varieties of a kind of camelia bush or, rather, rows and rows of camelia bushes. Camelia sinensis is an evergreen shrub, native to Southeast Asia. Blend those leaves with mint leaves and switch the kettle on and you’ll have a caffeinated drink, just like those Europeans taking tea across the Mediterranean. It’s a bit like those pan-faced telly chefs who insist on adding ‘a twist’ to traditional recipes by sprinkling balsamic vinegar, yuppie sauce or liquid nitrogen into the pot.

We have shown decaf peppermint tea cannot be decaffeinated because it contains no caffeine at all, and it cannot be said to be tea because there is no tea in it. Which only leaves the crisp and sweet, airy tang of peppermint behind.

If you’d like your own crisp, sweet and airy properly pepperminty peppermint ‘tea’, then take a look at I Love Decaf’s ballistic Intercontinental Peppermint Tea – as well as our Moorish blend of peppermint and decaf, Menthol Health Tea. Get yours while it’s cool.

Does Coffee Have More Caffeine Than Tea?

We’ve all heard the old chestnut that tea contains more caffeine than coffee, but is it true or false? The answer is that it is both true and false at the same time. We should explain.

Before it is brewed, a tea leaf typically contains about 2-3 times as much caffeine as a coffee bean. Once you compare the average caffeine content of a cup of tea and a cup of coffee, however, coffee wins hands down with approximately twice the amount of caffeine than black tea. 

What about different kinds of tea and coffee, eh, eh?

Keep your knickers on, tiger. Perhaps you should be cutting down on caffeine. Not all coffee is created equal. Fine ground coffee as you might use in a high-pressure espresso machine will yield five times more caffeine per ml than coarse ground coffee from a French press. But, unless you double-shot your way through the day, your caffeine intake from a 30ml espresso will be less than a full mug of French press brew.

Tea gauge

There are differences, also, in tea brews – from the cup of tea that your partner drinks, where, ideally, a tea bag is wafted over the cup in a less-than-vigorous fashion, to Yorkshire builders’ tea that looks as though it has been drained from the engine of a rusty Transit van.

The secret of soap opera tea

Whenever there’s a soap opera crisis brewing, the aftermath will always feature a pot of tea. There’s a lot of truth in the observation that a nice, hot cup of tea will put the world to rights. Tea contains its own stimulant, L-theanine, said to help ease stress and anxiety as well as reduce insomnia. Sipping on a fresh cuppa really can be relaxing.  A study even found that people who experienced higher blood pressure discovered L-theanine helped reduce the increase in blood pressure. And because L-theanine stimulates without raising cortisol, the body’s natural stress hormone, the way that coffee does, tea can even help you sleep more soundly. The welcome surprise is that tea’s L-theanine is not removed by decaffeination. Decaf can still be used to dramatic effect after your pub landlord has gone postal with a baseball bat, the hospital has exploded, or there has been a murder or similar feature-length episode of festive trauma and ill-will.

Apart from L-theanine, your decaf cuppa also contains plenty of antioxidants which may well lower the risk of diabetes and strokes, as well as combat free radicals and slow the wear and tear on your DNA. Any tea is a healthy choice because of its antioxidants, but herbal teas that are naturally uncaffeinated are the best choice of all. As far as drinks are concerned, only tea made from the leaves of the tea plant camelia sinensis contain L-theanine, but a cup of chamomile is a great aid for restful sleep, well known, as it is, for its relaxing effects. 

To find out more about I Love Decaf’s teas and herbal teas, look around our online shop.