The 5 Things You Don’t Believe Can Happen When You Cut Caffeine

I used to be one of those people who would drink not just coffee but energy drinks and colas on top, often throughout the day. I was under the impression that the caffeine spritzing through my veins from all different angles was necessary for living a happy and productive life in the city. But as it turns out, when you reduce your intake for a month or two (more like 3-4 months) you can experience some pretty wild changes to your health!

Decaf: How much do you need to go there?

When it comes to the benefits of decaf, there is no one-size-fits-all answer. The amount of caffeine you need depends on your individual tolerances and sensitivities. Some people can drink multiple cups of coffee a day without any negative effects. Others may start to feel jittery and anxious after just one cup.

If you’re thinking about reducing your caffeine intake, it’s important to pay attention to how your body responds. If you notice any negative changes, such as increased anxiety or difficulty sleeping, you may want to cut back on the amount of caffeine you’re consuming.

It’s also important to remember that caffeine is found in more than just coffee. Tea, soda, and energy drinks all contain caffeine. So, if you’re trying to reduce your intake, you’ll need to be mindful of all the sources of caffeine in your diet.

1.    Caffeine and adrenaline levels

  • Caffeine and adrenaline levels: When you reduce caffeine intake, your body no longer has the same level of adrenaline. This can lead to feelings of fatigue and low energy. This is a temporary thing.
  • Caffeine and blood pressure: Caffeine can also affect your blood pressure. When you reduce your caffeine intake, your blood pressure may drop. This is usually seen as a good thing as a first step to fight hypertension, but it can also cause dizziness.
  • Caffeine and anxiety: Another common effect of reducing caffeine intake is increased anxiety. This is because caffeine can help to improve focus and concentration. When you reduce your caffeine intake, you may find it more difficult to focus and concentrate on tasks. Again – this is a temporary effect.
  • Caffeine and sleep: finally, reducing caffeine intake can also disrupt your sleep patterns. This is because caffeine can make it difficult to fall and stay asleep. If you reduce caffeine intake, you may find yourself feeling more tired during the day. A temporary reduction in alertness is to be expected, but you will soon find your attention level improving without caffeine.

2.    The consequences of reducing caffeine intake

When you reduce your caffeine intake, you may experience some consequences.

  • One consequence of reducing your caffeine intake is that you may feel more tired during the day. Caffeine is a stimulant, so when you reduce your intake, you may find that you need to take more naps or sleep for longer periods of time. You may also find that you have trouble concentrating when you reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help to improve focus and concentration, so without it, you may find it harder to stay on task.
  • You may also experience headaches when you reduce your caffeine intake. This is because caffeine can help to constrict blood vessels, and when you reduce your intake, those blood vessels may expand, leading to headaches.
  • Finally, you may find that your mood changes when you reduce your caffeine intake. Caffeine can help to improve mood and energy levels, so without it, you may feel more sluggish and down.

3.    Spring Cleaning to Reduce Caffeine Intake

Spring Cleaning to Reduce Caffeine Intake:

  • If you’re trying to reduce your caffeine intake, one thing you can do is spring clean your diet. This means getting rid of all the foods and drinks that contain caffeine. This includes coffee, tea, soda, energy drinks, chocolate, and even some medications. By getting rid of these things from your diet, you’ll be able to reduce your caffeine intake significantly.
  • Cutting Back Gradually: Another way to reduce your caffeine intake is to cut back gradually. If you’re used to drinking several cups of coffee per day, try reducing it to just one or two cups. You can also switch to decaf coffee or tea. Or, if you typically drink energy drinks, try switching to a non-caffeinated version. Cutting back gradually will help you reduce your caffeine intake without feeling too much withdrawal.
  • Avoiding Caffeine Triggers: In addition to cutting back on caffeine gradually, you can also avoid triggers that make you want to consume caffeine. For example, if you tend to drink coffee in the morning because you’re tired, try changing up your routine. Instead of drinking coffee, try walking or exercising to wake yourself up. Or, if drinking coffee before going to bed makes you feel more awake, treat your insomnia in another manner. Speak with a health professional about your insomnia and follow their advice for getting good sleep at night.

How to reduce caffeine intake

If you’re looking to reduce your caffeine intake, there are a few things you can do. First, try switching to decaf coffee or tea. You could also cut down on the amount of coffee or tea you’re drinking each day, but this usually only works for a while.

You can also try alternative beverages like herbal tea or water. Drinking plenty of water is always a good idea, and it can help to flush out the caffeine in your system.

Finally, be sure to eat a healthy diet and get plenty of exercise. Eating healthy foods and getting regular exercise will help to boost your energy levels and reduce your need for caffeine.

Do what?

If you’re used to drinking a lot of caffeine, reducing your intake can have some pretty unexpected effects. You might find yourself feeling more tired than usual or experiencing headaches and mood swings. But don’t worry, these side effects are only temporary as your body adjusts to its new caffeine level. In the long run, you’ll be glad you made the switch to a healthier lifestyle.

Why the Top 3 Decaf Teas at I Love Decaf are the Best You Can Get Anywhere


When you’re looking for a great cup of decaf tea, there are many to choose from. We’ve sipped all sorts of decaf tea in our time, but it’s hard to find one that will refresh and energize without compromising on the taste.

In this article, we will take a look at three of our favourites, and give you tips on how to choose the perfect one for your needs. 

It turns out that choosing our favourite top 3 I Love Decaf decaf teas wasn’t as difficult as it could have been. Choosing the best three is simple when we only do the best three you can get.

1. Sheba’s Small and Large Leaf Best Decaf Tea

If you’re looking for a quality decaf tea that with excellent, malty notes that make it perfect for a refined breakfast tea experience, Sheba Large and Small Leaf Teas are the perfect option for you.

We offer our rich, powerful and golden brews in small and large leaf styles. And like all our decaf tea, we use only the finest quality leaves.

Our decaf teas are perfect for people who want to reduce their caffeine intake or for those who are trying to avoid caffeine altogether. Not only that, but we always insist that taste is the most important consideration with decaf tea.

Our teas are delicious and will leave you feeling refreshed and energized.

If you’re looking for the perfect decaf tea, look no further than Sheba’s Best. Choose from large leaf and small leaf variations.

2. Lancashire Black Decaf Tea

Lancashire Black Decaf Tea is a delicious black tea that is perfect for those who are looking for a decaf option. Its name is a nod to a famous brand from the county next door, but our decaf is better than theirs.

Lancashire Black Decaf Tea is a straight Ceylon Leaf  – the finest black tea from Sri Lanka and is decaffeinated using the high quality CO2 process. This decaf tea is great for those who want to enjoy a delicious cup of strong tea but don’t want the caffeine.

It is also perfect for people who are looking for an alternative to regular black tea.

If you are looking for a delicious decaf tea option, try our Lancashire Black.

3. New English Breakfast Brew Decaf Tea

If you’re looking for an excellent decaf tea, look no further than I Love Decaf. Our English Breakfast Brew Decaf Tea is the perfect choice for anyone who wants a delicious and healthy cup of decaf tea.

This decaf tea is sourced from a single Kilkotagiri estate Nilgiri black tea in Tamil Nadu, its healthy leaves, with their smoky and oak notes, are perfectly captured in this decaffeinated black tea using a chemical-free method.

It’s also ethically and sustainably sourced. It delivers the same great flavour and health benefits as a regular English Breakfast Brew, but it’s also much lower in caffeine so is therefore ideal for those who are concerned about their caffeine intake.

Our decaf teas are available in a variety of weights, so you can choose the perfect option for your needs. We also offer a variety of other great teas, so be sure to check out our website for more information.

I Love Decaf Tea Promise

At I Love Decaf, we know that decaf is a popular choice for many people. That’s why we make sure that our teas are top quality and the best decaf around. We like to think we put the Love into Decaf.

Our promise to you is this: If you’re not happy with the taste of your brew, get in touch and we will refund you or send you another tea to taste.

Every tea we sell at I Love Decaf is decaffeinated using the most advanced technology available. We take great care in ensuring that our teas are free from caffeine, not just as a health choice but also because it’s the right thing to do.

We hope you enjoy our selection of our top three decaf teas!

Why the Best Supermarket Decaf Coffee is not as Good as Ours (I Love Decaf)

You know how it is; every time you go to the supermarket, you look at the decaf coffee on offer and feel enthusiasm being sucked from your soul. If that sounds like you, then you have tried most of the own-brand decafs already and have come to the conclusion, as we have, that really good decaf is really hard to find in a supermarket. 

Many people – cofficianados and consumers alike – criticize own-brand decaf coffee for its lack of flavour, but the real problem is that it has lots of flavours, just not necessarily any pleasant ones. Even the packets remind us of that bloated feeling you get after bad coffee with its flavour notes of cat piddle and warm tyres. 

There isn’t a superstore decaf that doesn’t call to mind a warm evening in a fertiliser silo – not one that we’ve discovered yet, anyway.

In fact, if we were supermarket coffee buyers, we wouldn’t go to extreme lengths to preserve the taste. We wouldn’t stick it in foiled bags with re-sealable strips. Why bother maintaining a vacuum when leaving it on the porch in an open jar would at least let the fumes escape?

Our decaf is best

We started I Love Decaf to make the best decaf coffee you can’t buy in a supermarket. We believe that some kinds of decaffeinated coffee are less like a pleasing drink and more like a punishment and we wanted to do something to set it straight. It’s not just the supermarket own-brands either; many major brand coffees miss the mark on their decaffeinated spin-offs.

That’s why asking for the best supermarket decaf coffee is like asking for the most comfortable barbed wire shirt. Just because it’s the only shirt on offer doesn’t mean you should buy it.

Why the best supermarket decaf coffee is not as good as ours
Our decaf is best. We started i love decaf to make the best decaf coffee you can’t buy in a supermarket.

You can’t get I Love Decaf in the supermarket

To be honest, we can’t imagine even having a meeting at any of the big supermarket chains, and that’s not just because our MD Mr Roy Bosch (he is also a part-time alligator wrestler and balloon entertainer of some note) has anger management issues with idiots, it’s because we don’t want to sit in their soulless offices drinking their horrible supermarket decaf. It’s best for all concerned if we don’t. That’s not the kind of publicity we need.

Check out these superior decafs from the I Love Decaf range.